Social Events O2BiP 2022
September 7, 2022
Journeys through Ancient Rome: Forum of Augustus
O2BiP Congress evening event show: 07 September 2022 - at 20:15
Price: € 16
Accessibility: 4 places are available for people with mobility disabilities
Please note that:
- disposable earphones in sealed envelopes are used for audio listening;
- food and beverages are not allowed to be consumed during the performances;
- only small pets are allowed in a pet carrier;
- no toilet facilities are provided.
Buy your tichet : contact the congress secretariat
Stones can talk and tell many stories. A voyage through 2000 years of history, led by Piero Angela and Paco Lanciano, discovering a magnificent archaeological site, once the centre of city life in ancient Rome, that begins from the still visible marbles of the Forum of Augustus.A captivating reconstruction, rich in scientifically and historically detailed information, situated inside the archaeological site itself. Here, spectators can witness a multi-projection show of lights, images, short films and animation set to a background of music, sound effects and the narration by Piero Angela in 6 languages (Italian, English, French, Russian, Spanish and Japanese).
Visitors will have the opportunity to learn the story of the Temple dedicated to Mars the Avenger, constructed by Augustus to honour the memory of his great uncle Julius Caesar, after his assassination. A temple as tall as a 9-storey building that dominated the Forum from which one could access the halls of the Courts. Next to the Temple stood an immense statue of Augustus that was likely almost 12 meters tall, of which only a 1.66 meter-long footprint remains. Behind it, there was a large wall as tall as an 11-storey building constructed without the use of mortar. It has been standing for 2,000 years withstanding many earthquakes, including the earthquake of 1703 when a part of the Coliseum collapsed.This project is part of the celebrations held in honour of the 2000th anniversary of Augustus’ death (19 August 14 A.D.) and of a large effort geared towards the valorization of the Imperial Fora.
Special audio systems with disposable earphones will allow the audience to listen to the music, special effects and the story narrated by Piero Angela in 6 languages (Italian, English, French, Russian, Spanish and Japanese).
The audience will be greeted by the voice of Piero Angela and by the wonderful footage and reconstructions showing the places as they appeared at the time of Augustus: a captivating recontruction that is also rich in scientifically and historically detailed information.
September 8, 2022
Guided tour of Papal Basilica St. Paul Outside-The-Walls
Social Dinner

Conference Venue
Department of Science
Roma Tre University
Viale G. Marconi 446 - 00146 Roma