Awards O2BiP 2022
"Guido di Prisco" Best Poster Prize
We are glad to announce that the Best Poster presented by Young Researcher under 35 will be awarded with the "Guido di Prisco" Prize. The Prize is inspired by Guido di Prisco’s passion for globin world.
The Prize of 500,00 € (net of taxes) represents an award to a Researcher (first name of the poster authors) in the early to mid-stages of his/her career The prize-winner can be from any country and work in any field of hemo (globin) science.
The Prize will be awarded by a Scientific Committee headed by Cinzia Verde.
- Authors have to be first author AND presenting author AND contact author of the relevant abstract.
- Authors have to be at the meeting.

Guido di Prisco (1937-2019) graduated in Organic and Biological Chemistry in 1960 at the University of Napoli (Italy). His internationally renowned scientific work remains fundamental for our understanding of the evolution and structure/function of hemo (globins) of cold-adapted organisms. In more recent decades his studies on evolution and biodiversity have been especially important in assessing the vulnerability of the Southern Ocean ecosystem to current environmental changes. Throughout his career, Guido inspired younger scientists to embrace polar biological research, and he challenged researchers of all ages to explore evolutionary adaptation in the context of global climate change. Guido di Prisco was not only excellent scientist in his field, but also a great science manager and coordinator, especially under the umbrella of the Scientific Committee for Antarctic Research (SCAR). Beyond his scientific contributions, we miss his great culture and intellect. Guido has left an outstanding legacy, one that will continue to inspire us and our research.
“Sylvia Dewilde” Best selected Presentation Prize
We are delighted to announce that the best selected oral presentation will be recognized with a prize of 500,00€ supported by the Journal “Oxygen” (
The Conference Scientific Committee will be in charge of the selection.
The emphasis of the evaluation will be put on the attractiveness and clarity of the presentation.
Eligibility: The candidate must be first author AND presenting author AND contact author of the selected oral presentation.
Conference Venue
Department of Science
Roma Tre University
Viale G. Marconi 446 - 00146 Roma