Template-Type: ReDIF-Paper 1.0 Author-Name: Sebastiano Fadda Author-X-Name-First: Sebastiano Author-X-Name-Last: Fadda Author-Email: sebastiano.fadda@uniroma3.it Author-Workplace-Name: dpt. Economia Title: Il Capitale Umano. Definizioni e misure Abstract: 1. Il capitale umano come fattore di produzione. 2. La questione dell’eterogeneità. 3. Il capitale umano come fattore di produzione già prodotto. 4. La misurazione del capitale umano: gli anni di istruzione scolastica. 5. La misurazione del capitale umano: altre proxies. 6. La misurazione del capitale umano: attraverso i suoi effetti, o il suo rendimento. 7. Una breve conclusione Creation-Date: 2012-01 File-URL: http://host.uniroma3.it/associazioni/astril/db/54a4303e-c803-44bf-9412-b0bc8dc53398.pdf File-Format: Application/pdf Number: 0001 Classification-JEL: I25, J0 Keywords: Human Capital, Education, Handle: RePEc:ast:wpaper:0001 Template-Type: ReDIF-Paper 1.0 Author-Name: Sebastiano Fadda Author-X-Name-First: Sebastiano Author-X-Name-Last: Fadda Author-Email: sebastiano.fadda@uniroma3.it Author-Workplace-Name: dpt. Economia Title: Formal and informal institutions:towards a deeper understanding of a complex relationship. Some cases in the labour market Abstract: 1. Redefining Institutions 2. Formal and informal institutions 3. The evolution of economic institutions and the interplay between “formal” and “informal” ones 4. Some cases in the labour market Creation-Date: 2012-03 File-URL: http://host.uniroma3.it/associazioni/astril/db/5ec0cf44-64c5-4d1e-a8ea-1a4521bc39c6.pdf File-Format: Application/pdf Number: 0002 Classification-JEL: B52, J01 Keywords: formal and informal institutions, labour market, economic institutions Handle: RePEc:ast:wpaper:0002 Template-Type: ReDIF-Paper 1.0 Author-Name: Alessandro Brignone Author-X-Name-First: Alessandro Author-X-Name-Last: Brignone Title: I profili giuridici (e metagiuridici) della comunicazione del rischio da lavoro Abstract: 1. Premessa 2. I principi generali in materia di informazione e formazione nella legislazione vigente 3. Gli obblighi informativi e formativi nella giurisprudenza più recente 4. Conclusioni Creation-Date: 2012-05 File-URL: http://host.uniroma3.it/associazioni/astril/db/a6320781-ce00-4b4f-b01d-f7bf0e7553fa.pdf File-Format: Application/pdf Number: 0003 Classification-JEL: K31, K32 Keywords: sicurezza sul lavoro, formazione Handle: RePEc:ast:wpaper:0003 Template-Type: ReDIF-Paper 1.0 Author-Name: Sebastiano Fadda Author-X-Name-First: Sebastiano Author-X-Name-Last: Fadda Author-Email: sebastiano.fadda@uniroma3.it Author-Workplace-Name: dpt. Economia Author-Name: Antonella Mennella Author-X-Name-First: Antonella Author-X-Name-Last: Mennella Author-Name: Pasquale Tridico Author-X-Name-First: Pasquale Author-X-Name-Last: Tridico Author-Email: pasquale.tridico@uniroma3.it Author-Workplace-Name: dpt. Economia Title: Flessibilità e produttività: il caso del lavoro in somministrazione Abstract: 1. Introduzione 2. Flessibilità e rigidità nel mercato del lavoro europeo 3. Lavoro dipendente e lavoro autonomo in Italia e nei paesi OECD 4. Il lavoro in somministrazione come pietra miliare della flessibilità italiana 5. Caratteristiche, diffusione ed evoluzione del lavoro in somministrazione in Italia 6. Il turnover nel lavoro in somministrazione 7. Statistiche descrittive e riscontro empirico 8. Conclusioni Creation-Date: 2012-07 File-URL: http://host.uniroma3.it/associazioni/astril/db/cedf0ba3-2e07-4e67-9ad4-416fc08f04e7.pdf File-Format: Application/pdf Number: 0004 Classification-JEL: I29, J24, J41 Keywords: produttività, flessibilità, formazione, mercato del lavoro, comparazione europea Handle: RePEc:ast:wpaper:0004 Template-Type: ReDIF-Paper 1.0 Author-Name: Pasquale Tridico Author-X-Name-First: Pasquale Author-X-Name-Last: Tridico Author-Email: pasquale.tridico@uniroma3.it Author-Workplace-Name: dpt. Economia Title: Italy from economic decline to the current crisis Abstract: The objective of this paper is to show that the current global economic crisis in which also Italy fell in 2008 represents indeed for the Italian economy just the last step of a much longer declining path which started in the nineties or to be more precise in 1992-93. In particular, I argue, the reasons which explain the long Italian decline, and partly also the deeper recession today and the lack of recovery from the current crisis can be found in the past reforms of the labour market, and in particular in the labour flexibility introduced in the last 15 years, which had, along with other policies introduced in parallel, cumulative negative consequences on the inequality, on the consumption, on the aggregate demand, on the labour productivity and on the GDP dynamics. Creation-Date: 2012-09 File-URL: http://host.uniroma3.it/associazioni/astril/db/ead8c438-c7f7-4dfb-b736-fbfbde278d62.pdf File-Format: Application/pdf Number: 0005 Classification-JEL: G10, J10, H12, O57 Keywords: Financial crisis; Labour market; EU Crisis management; Comparative studies Handle: RePEc:ast:wpaper:0005 Template-Type: ReDIF-Paper 1.0 Author-Name: Paolo Piacentini Author-X-Name-First: Paolo Author-X-Name-Last: Piacentini Title: “Euro” Crisis. Origins, State and Perspectives Abstract: During the past year, speculative attacks on titles of Sovereign Debt of weaker member countries,endangering the continuation of the common currency area itself, were eventually contained by statements and actions of the European Central Bank, capable to convince the "market" that "defaults" would not occur at least in a near horizon. However, the institutional and structural flaws of "Eurosystem" are still there, and "Eurocrisis", meant as the crisis of real economies of member countries facing the effect of fiscal adjustments appears to get worse.These notes are meant to recall these original weaknesses and critical developments of the Euro area, in a joint consideration of the financial and real aspects of the crisis deployment. Creation-Date: 2013-01 File-URL: http://host.uniroma3.it/associazioni/astril/db/e2397f61-388c-49af-a9db-b0f6fae9e405.pdf File-Format: Application/pdf Number: 0006 Classification-JEL: E02, E61, F62 Keywords: Eurozone. Financial Crisis, Eurocrisis Handle: RePEc:ast:wpaper:0006 Template-Type: ReDIF-Paper 1.0 Author-Name: Emiliano Mandrone Author-X-Name-First: Emiliano Author-X-Name-Last: Mandrone Author-Name: Manuel Marocco Author-X-Name-First: Manuel Author-X-Name-Last: Marocco Author-Name: Debora Radicchia Author-X-Name-First: Debora Author-X-Name-Last: Radicchia Title: Is decline in employment the outcome or cause of crisis in Italy? Abstract: This article studies contractual flexibility, disguised employment and precarious work and gives an interpretation of these issues both through a legal and economic approach. It is necessary to clarify that as flexible workers we consider the following groups of individuals: 1) workers with temporary contracts, 2) independent self-employed who are comparable to subordinate employees 3)involuntary part-timers workers. Moreover, it is crucial to analyse these phenomena in a longitudinal framework to assess whether flexibility determines precariousness; in fact we define "precarious" as those who remain flexible worker after a period of 12 months (or other benchmark) and the flexible worker who loses their job within a period of 12 months. We asses that contractual flexibility and precarious work experienced in the last twenty years have reduced quality of work and labour productivity, causing a reduction in performance in Italy. Creation-Date: 2014- File-URL: http://host.uniroma3.it/associazioni/astril/db/424f4478-8573-4429-9a6e-9f0de134da79.pdf File-Format: Application/pdf Number: 0007 Handle: RePEc:ast:wpaper:0007 Template-Type: ReDIF-Paper 1.0 Author-Name: Stefano Bini Author-X-Name-First: Stefano Author-X-Name-Last: Bini Title: LA VARIABILITA’ DELLA RETRIBUZIONE PER IL SUPERAMENTO DELL’ATTUALE CRISI: LA SFIDA DELLA PARTECIPAZIONE E DELLA PRODUTTIVITA’ Abstract: 1. Considerazioni introduttive e metodologiche. – 2. Per un inquadramento normativo della materia, in un contesto storicosociale in continua evoluzione. – 3. Forme ordinarie e speciali di retribuzione: quale equilibrio? – 4. Retribuzione, produttività e rendimento: il concetto di performance (individuale, di gruppo e di impresa). – 5. Dalla retribuzione alla retribuzione variabile. – 6. Dopo la flessibilità in entrata e in uscita dal rapporto di lavoro, una flessibilità retributiva? – 7. Le chiavi di lettura offerte dal 47° Rapporto Censis sulla situazione sociale del Paese e la fenomenologia retributiva. – 8. Riflessioni conclusive: per lo sviluppo di un «sistema di relazioni industriali che crei condizioni di competitività e produttività tali da rafforzare il sistema produttivo, l’occupazione e le retribuzioni» – 9. Principali riferimenti bibliografici. Creation-Date: 2014- File-URL: http://www.astril.org/files/WP_8_2014_bini.pdf File-Format: Application/pdf Number: 0008 Handle: RePEc:ast:wpaper:0008 Template-Type: ReDIF-Paper 1.0 Author-Name: Fabrizio Ferraro Author-X-Name-First: Fabrizio Author-X-Name-Last: Ferraro Author-Email: fabrizio.ferraro@uniroma1.it Title: Le finalità occupazionali del contratto a termine, in una prospettiva di primo inserimento del giovane lavoratore e di reinserimento del lavoratore svantaggiato Abstract: 1. Premessa. Le lunghe attese all’ingresso del mercato del lavoro che cambia. – 1.1. L’accompagnamento dei giovani nel mercato: i contratti di ingresso e formazione per i giovani e le “finalità occupazionali”. – 2. Il contratto di lavoro subordinato a tempo determinato: il d.lgs. 368/2001 nella cornice-obiettivo della direttiva Ce n. 70 del 1999. Cenni. – 2.1. Il contratto di lavoro a termine nel prisma del comma 01. – 2.2. La “liberalizzazione ponderata” ex art. 1 co. 1, tra vincoli regolativi e controllo giudiziale. – 3. Il comma 1-bis, art. 1, d.lgs. 368/2001 dopo il decreto di luglio. La libertà del «primo rapporto a tempo determinato». – 4. Il contratto a termine senza causale legale tra prima sperimentazione del rapporto lavorativo, rischio-turn-over e occupazione dei soggetti deboli. Un’occasione per giovani e non. Creation-Date: 2014- File-URL: http://host.uniroma3.it/associazioni/astril/pubblicazioni_files.aspx?id=22 File-Format: Application/pdf Number: 0009 Handle: RePEc:ast:wpaper:0009 Template-Type: ReDIF-Paper 1.0 Author-Name: Sara Di Ninno Author-X-Name-First: Sara Author-X-Name-Last: Di Ninno Author-Email: sara.dininno@gmail.com Title: LA DELOCALIZZAZIONE PRODUTTIVA E IL (NON) RISPETTO DEI DIRITTI DEI LAVORATORI Creation-Date: 2014- File-URL: http://host.uniroma3.it/associazioni/astril/db/2fb16b93-7374-4d9a-b7d9-99fb2fc2671b.pdf File-Format: Application/pdf Number: 0010 Handle: RePEc:ast:wpaper:0010 Template-Type: ReDIF-Paper 1.0 Author-Name: Pasquale Tridico Author-X-Name-First: Pasquale Author-X-Name-Last: Tridico Author-Email: pasquale.tridico@uniroma3.it Author-Workplace-Name: dpt. Economia Title: THE ENLARGEMENT OF THE EUROPEAN UNION TO EASTERN EUROPE: TEN YEARS AFTER Abstract: This chapter deals with the process which brought about ten countries, former communist economies, of Central and Eastern Europe (CEEC) to join the European Union (EU) between 2004 and 2007. The recent development of the EU enlargement, the adhesion of Croatia in 2013, the future perspective of enlargement opened by the East partnership, and the situation of the current candidates to the EU will be analysed as well. As far as the New Member States (NMS) of European Union are concerned, this chapter will analyse conditionality and compliance of the candidates. Recession was severe both in CEEC and in Former Soviet Republics (FSR) after the fall of Berlin Wall in 1989 and the dissolution of USSR in 1991. The transformation was very deep both from an economic and political perspective. However, I argue, during the transformation and the economic recovery CEEC were, to some extent, favored by EU conditionality and membership, while FSR were not interested by this process. At the same time, the old EU member States (EU 15) benefited greatly from trade with CEEC and FDI directed to CEEC. In fact in CEEC labour cost is cheap and recourses along with raw materials are abundant. Very likely, EU membership was the crucial factor, which influenced transition in CEEC, and which determined better performance of most CEEC with respect to FSR. Moreover, political transition (concerning civil rights and political liberties, democracy and traditional liberal values) was more successful in CEEC than in FSR. In this respect, the role played by the EU, where clearly these values are more advanced than in most of the rest of the world, was crucial for the CEEC, New Member States of the EU. Creation-Date: 2014- File-URL: http://host.uniroma3.it/associazioni/astril/db/d69829b3-820a-47f2-99fa-84215bd8fdc0.pdf File-Format: Application/pdf Number: 0011 Keywords: Eu enlargement; transition; institutions; convergence Handle: RePEc:ast:wpaper:0011 Template-Type: ReDIF-Paper 1.0 Author-Name: Matteo Deleidi Author-X-Name-First: Matteo Author-X-Name-Last: Deleidi Author-Email: matteo.deleidi@uniroma3.it Author-Name: Walter Paternesi Meloni Author-X-Name-First: Walter Author-X-Name-Last: Paternesi Meloni Author-Email: walter.paternesi@uniroma3.it Title: Italian economic trends and labor market reforms: a 50-years overview Abstract: This paper aims to investigate the Italian economic development from 1960 to the present day, performing an analysis of meaningful economic trends and relating them to the implementation of major labor market reforms. For this purpose, we observe the dynamics of main macroeconomic variables related to growth, income distribution and employment. Especially, we focus on different theoretical approaches explaining labor productivity trend, and on Classical theory of distribution. Creation-Date: 2014- File-URL: http://host.uniroma3.it/associazioni/astril/db/d9e869a3-d697-4878-b6f0-f940c2277047.pdf File-Format: Application/pdf Number: 0012 Keywords: conomic growth, productivity, real wages, labor share, market labour, Italian economy. Handle: RePEc:ast:wpaper:0012 Template-Type: ReDIF-Paper 1.0 Author-Name: Pasquale Tridico Author-X-Name-First: Pasquale Author-X-Name-Last: Tridico Author-Email: pasquale.tridico@uniroma3.it Author-Workplace-Name: dpt. Economia Title: Produttività, contrattazione e salario di risultato: un confronto tra l’Italia e il resto d’Europa Abstract: L’obiettivo di questo lavoro è duplice. Innanzitutto cercheremo di descrivere la relazione, se esiste, tra il regime di contrattazione del salario e le perfomance di produttività, sia attraverso un confronto europeo che un focus sull’Italia. Una parte consistente della letteratura sostiene che, in generale, il salario variabile, attraverso le sue varie forme di incentivi salariali, bonus, retribuzioni di risultato e cottimo si trovi in una relazione positiva rispetto alle perfomance della produttività. Tuttavia, l’evidenza empirica sembra contrastare con quest’affermazione. Nel nostro studio si rileva che i paesi con livelli di produttività più alti in Europa utilizzano meno le forme di salario variabile, che di contro sembrano essere leve utilizzate maggiormente nei pa esi dell’Europa Centro-Orientale e nei paesi dell’Europa mediterranea, proprio per alzare il sa lario complessivo che è generalmente più basso. In particolare, nel caso italiano, dove queste forme di salario variabile sono relativamente più diffuse rispetto al resto d’Europa, la perfomance della produttività, specialmente negli ultimi due decenni, è stata particolarmente negativa. Da ciò discende, ed ecco il secondo obiettivo, la nostra proposta di un accordo quadro di contrattazione al secondo livello, con la fissazione ex-ante di obiettivi di produttività a cui legare le forme di salario variabile, sulla scia di altre proposte che vanno nella stessa direzione (Fadda 2009, Ciccarone 2009, Messori 2012, Antonioli e Pini 2013). Creation-Date: 2014- File-URL: http://host.uniroma3.it/associazioni/astril/db/69987fbb-7e42-490f-8cc8-8b0766023521.pdf File-Format: Application/pdf Number: 0013 Keywords: Produttività del Lavoro, Salario variabile e di risultato, Accordo di Contrattazione Handle: RePEc:ast:wpaper:0013 Template-Type: ReDIF-Paper 1.0 Author-Name: Sebastiano Fadda Author-X-Name-First: Sebastiano Author-X-Name-Last: Fadda Author-Email: sebastiano.fadda@uniroma3.it Author-Workplace-Name: dpt. Economia Title: INCOME INEQUALITY. WHAT CAUSES IT AND HOW TO CURB IT Creation-Date: 2014- File-URL: http://host.uniroma3.it/associazioni/astril/db/6642ed6b-d47d-46be-91c1-1dd238e142c2.pdf File-Format: Application/pdf Number: 0014 Handle: RePEc:ast:wpaper:0014 Template-Type: ReDIF-Paper 1.0 Author-Name: Pasquale Tridico Author-X-Name-First: Pasquale Author-X-Name-Last: Tridico Author-Email: pasquale.tridico@uniroma3.it Author-Workplace-Name: dpt. Economia Title: Economic policies and growth strategies after the crisis: different approaches in USA, Japan and EU Abstract: The objective of this paper is to investigate how the United States of America (US) and Japan managed relatively better than Europe to emerge from from the crisis, which caused a deep recession in 2009, and why instead Europe or more appropriately, the Euro Area (EA) of the European Union (EU), did not. I will examine the main policies implemented by the main fiscal and monetary authorities in the US, i.e., the Federal Reserve (Fed), and the Federal Government; in Japan: the Bank of Japan (BoJ) and the Japanese Government (focusing in particular on the so called “Abenomics”); and in Europe: the European Central Bank (ECB) and EA Member State Governments; and I will try to understand how in the US and Japan these policies caused sustainable recovery in terms of GDP growth and employment, while on the other hand they did not manage to bring about the same results in Europe. The paper will also propose a political agenda for the EA which would favour economic recovery and sustainable development in the next decade, similar to that witnessed by the other two countries (we refer to the Euro Area as a country, at least from an economic point of view, despite the strong weakness of this definition from a political point of view). In this context, the case of Japan (with the so called “Abenomics”), along with the recovery strategy embarked in the US are better examples that Europe should follow. Creation-Date: 2014- File-URL: http://host.uniroma3.it/associazioni/astril/db/509eea82-c1e5-47dc-a6af-470f6707c559.pdf File-Format: Application/pdf Number: 0015 Classification-JEL: E5, H63, O4, Keywords: Economic policies, crisis, austerity, economic growth Handle: RePEc:ast:wpaper:0015 Template-Type: ReDIF-Paper 1.0 Author-Name: Gianluca Urbisaglia Author-X-Name-First: Gianluca Author-X-Name-Last: Urbisaglia Author-Email: gianluca.urbisaglia@univr.it Title: IL WELFARE AZIENDALE AL TEMPO DELLA CRISI: LA RETE DI IMPRESE “GIUNCA” Abstract: 1. Introduzione 2. Cenni sull’evoluzione storica del c.d. “welfare” 3. Dal c.d. “welfare privato” al c.d. “welfare aziendale” 4. Il c.d. «secondo welfare» 5. I destinatari del welfare 6. Come si declina il welfare in azienda 7. La c.d. “rete di imprese” 8. La Rete di imprese «GIUNCA» 9. Riflessioni conclusive 10.Riferimenti bibliografici. Creation-Date: 2015- File-URL: http://host.uniroma3.it/associazioni/astril/db/06791a42-3ffc-4c38-a504-c6d21686be48.pdf File-Format: Application/pdf Number: 0016 Handle: RePEc:ast:wpaper:0016 Template-Type: ReDIF-Paper 1.0 Author-Name: Sebastiano Fadda Author-X-Name-First: Sebastiano Author-X-Name-Last: Fadda Author-Email: sebastiano.fadda@uniroma3.it Author-Workplace-Name: dpt. Economia Title: Human Capital. Some critical considerations about its definition and measures Creation-Date: 2015- File-URL: http://host.uniroma3.it/associazioni/astril/db/dfe3cd6b-59ee-47e0-8e08-1955a1d0c0b2.pdf File-Format: Application/pdf Number: 0017 Handle: RePEc:ast:wpaper:0017 Template-Type: ReDIF-Paper 1.0 Author-Name: Pasquale Tridico Author-X-Name-First: Pasquale Author-X-Name-Last: Tridico Author-Email: pasquale.tridico@uniroma3.it Author-Workplace-Name: dpt. Economia Title: REDDITO DI CITTADINANZA E OPPORTUNITA’ ECONOMICA: UN CONFRONTO TRA ITALIA E RESTO D’EUROPA Abstract: L’obiettivo di questo strumento è duplice: da un lato valutiamo, in un confronto tra i paesi dell’Unione Europea e altri paesi OCSE avanzati, l’impatto in termini di efficacia (riduzione della povertà) e efficienza (livelli di occupazione) di uno strumento di reddito minimo o di cittadinanza. Dall’altro avanziamo, per l’Italia, una proposta di Reddito Minimo Garantito di Cittadinanza (cioè condizionato e “means tested”). Il nostro modello econometrico, stimato su 34 paesi OCSE nel periodo che va dal 1990 ai 2013, dimostra che non ci sono ostacoli di efficienza che impedirebbero l’attivazione di un reddito minimo o di cittadinanza anche in Italia. Anzi, i nostri risultati dimostrano che uno schema di reddito minimo aiuta, insieme ad altre variabili, a incrementare i livelli di occupazione. Creation-Date: 2015- File-URL: http://host.uniroma3.it/associazioni/astril/db/693bafa7-1b59-4e03-ae8d-3f4c796b63dd.pdf File-Format: Application/pdf Number: 0018 Keywords: Reddito minimo, Reddito di cittadinanza, Welfare, Occupazione Handle: RePEc:ast:wpaper:0018 Template-Type: ReDIF-Paper 1.0 Author-Name: Marco Guidi Author-X-Name-First: Marco Author-X-Name-Last: Guidi Title: ANALISI SISTEMICA E METODOLOGICA DEI COSTI DELLA SICUREZZA E DELLA NON SICUREZZA NEGLI AMBIENTI DI LAVORO Abstract: Il presente lavoro si propone di analizzare i costi della sicurezza e della non sicurezza, sia in un’ottica aziendale che sociale. Lo studio si sviluppa attraverso un approccio sistemico, con un’analisi approfondita di ogni singolo aspetto, evidenziando le peculiarità di questi costi e i risvolti aziendali, economici e sociali associati ad essi. Il lavoro si muove secondo differenti prospettive: un inquadramento normativo della sicurezza sul lavoro legata ai costi della sicurezza, un apprendimento del concetto di rischio nei luoghi di lavoro con le sue modalità e caratteristiche, un’analisi economica dei costi della sicurezza e non sicurezza, una panoramica sulla gestione contabile e fiscale di questi costi, fino ad evidenziare e analizzare i costi sociali di un infortunio. Infine si sono confrontati i dati nazionali degli infortuni con quelli di altri paesi europei. In questo percorso sono stati posti in evidenza spunti e riflessioni sugli argomenti proposti, proponendo ‘nuovi’ modelli più aderenti alla realtà. Per questo si è tenuto conto dello sviluppo di altre discipline legate alla sicurezza nei luoghi di lavoro e dei risultati a cui queste sono giunte. Lo scopo del presente lavoro è stato quello di realizzare un’analisi che riuscisse a descrivere fedelmente la realtà aziendale e proporre modelli capaci di spiegare il comportamento delle aziende rispetto ai costi della sicurezza e della non sicurezza. Creation-Date: 2015- File-URL: http://host.uniroma3.it/associazioni/astril/db/7e026507-5c6c-4e29-985b-638e880c74cc.pdf File-Format: Application/pdf Number: 0019 Handle: RePEc:ast:wpaper:0019 Template-Type: ReDIF-Paper 1.0 Author-Name: Sebastiano Fadda Author-X-Name-First: Sebastiano Author-X-Name-Last: Fadda Author-Email: sebastiano.fadda@uniroma3.it Author-Workplace-Name: dpt. Economia Title: TECHNICAL PROGRESS AND FULL EMPLOYMENT. A LONG RUN PERSPECTIVE Creation-Date: 2016- File-URL: http://host.uniroma3.it/associazioni/astril/db/94ca5c64-782f-4888-a0e8-8ab44cfa80e0.pdf File-Format: Application/pdf Number: 0020 Handle: RePEc:ast:wpaper:0020 Template-Type: ReDIF-Paper 1.0 Author-Name: Marta Fana Author-X-Name-First: Marta Author-X-Name-Last: Fana Author-Name: Michele Raitano Author-X-Name-First: Michele Author-X-Name-Last: Raitano Title: LABOUR MARKET DEREGULATION AND WORKERS’ PROSPECTS AT THE BEGINNING OF THE CAREER: EVIDENCE FROM ITALY Abstract: Exploiting an innovative longitudinal individual dataset, we evaluate early career of a sample of Italian workers who attained the tertiary degree between 1998 and 2005 and estimate whether the career patterns changed after the reform that deregulated fixed-term arrangements in 2001. Assuming that the year of graduation is exogenous to the reform, we compare the first six years of the career of those who attained the degree before and after 2001, taking into account short- and medium-term individual outcomes in the labour market. We find that the searching time for the first job reduces for those graduated after 2001, while these individuals start working more frequently through atypical and fixed-term arrangements. Furthermore, those graduated after 2001 worsen their economic condition with respect to the previous cohort as their weekly wages – both at the entry and after six-years– significantly drop. However, no significant differences between the two cohorts along the first phase of the career emerge as concerns yearly working weeks and annual earnings. Creation-Date: 2016-11 File-URL: http://host.uniroma3.it/associazioni/astril/db/ File-Format: Application/pdf Number: 0021 Handle: RePEc:ast:wpaper:0021 Template-Type: ReDIF-Paper 1.0 Author-Name: Pierluigi Ciocca Author-X-Name-First: Pierluigi Author-X-Name-Last: Ciocca Title: Produttività o occupazione? Un falso dilemma? Creation-Date: 2016- File-URL: http://host.uniroma3.it/associazioni/astril/db/6cc5d4d6-664b-42f1-84c3-0dd5a256df6a.pdf File-Format: Application/pdf Number: 0022 Handle: RePEc:ast:wpaper:0022 Template-Type: ReDIF-Paper 1.0 Author-Name: Paolo Piacentini Author-X-Name-First: Paolo Author-X-Name-Last: Piacentini Title: The demand-side vs. the supply–side in the analysis of employment: the potentials for the use of “employment multipliers”. Creation-Date: 2016-12 File-URL: http://host.uniroma3.it/associazioni/astril/db/6d76bd39-dc69-454c-a646-4ff8efb316da.pdf File-Format: Application/pdf Number: 0023 Handle: RePEc:ast:wpaper:0023 Template-Type: ReDIF-Paper 1.0 Author-Name: Sebastiano Fadda Author-X-Name-First: Sebastiano Author-X-Name-Last: Fadda Author-Email: sebastiano.fadda@uniroma3.it Author-Workplace-Name: dpt. Economia Title: Assetti fondiari collettivi: prospettive di governance per lo sviluppo sostenibile del territorio. Creation-Date: 2017- File-URL: http://host.uniroma3.it/associazioni/astril/pubblicazioni.aspx File-Format: Application/pdf Number: 0024 Handle: RePEc:ast:wpaper:0024 Template-Type: ReDIF-Paper 1.0 Author-Name: Leonello Tronti Author-X-Name-First: Leonello Author-X-Name-Last: Tronti Author-Name: Andrea Spizzichino Author-X-Name-First: Andrea Author-X-Name-Last: Spizzichino Title: Demografia e occupazione: andamenti nella crisi e scenari futuri Creation-Date: 2017-04 File-URL: http://host.uniroma3.it/associazioni/astril/db/8fe3f5b2-2ce5-4d20-a37a-5252a24e5b42.pdf File-Format: Application/pdf Number: 0025 Handle: RePEc:ast:wpaper:0025 Template-Type: ReDIF-Paper 1.0 Author-Name: Guglielmo Forges Davanzati Author-X-Name-First: Guglielmo Author-X-Name-Last: Forges Davanzati Author-Name: Lucia Mongelli Author-X-Name-First: Lucia Author-X-Name-Last: Mongelli Title: DOES RISING UNEMPLOYMENT LEAD TO POLICIES OF LABOUR FLEXIBILITY? THE ITALIAN CASE (1990 – 2013) Abstract: This paper deals with the relation between labour market deregulation and the path of employment in Italy. A preliminary reconstruction of the theoretical debate is provided, based on the different views advocated by Neoclassical and post-Keynesian scholars. The second part of this paper focuses on empirical evidence, concluding that the increase in labour flexibility negatively affected the employment rate in the 2000s. Moreover, it is argued that as unemployment increases, workers’ bargaining power decreases not only in the labour market but also in the political arena,allowing the Government to implement further policies of labour flexibility. The evidence confirms this conjecture. Creation-Date: 2017-12 File-URL: http://host.uniroma3.it/associazioni/astril/db/ed85d9a6-96d3-41ad-bdf6-5fdee0d3f483.pdf File-Format: Application/pdf Number: 0026 Classification-JEL: B5, J2, J5, Keywords: post-Keynesian theory, labour flexibility, employment Handle: RePEc:ast:wpaper:0026 Template-Type: ReDIF-Paper 1.0 Author-Name: Alfred Kleinknecht Author-X-Name-First: Alfred Author-X-Name-Last: Kleinknecht Title: Supply-side labour market reforms: a neglected cause of the productivity crisis Abstract: In spite of impressive stories about a Second Machine Age or Industry 4.0, growth rates of labor productivity in the US, Japan and Western Europe declined, during the last 10-15 years, to their lowest levels since World War II. Recent contributions on the productivity slowdown by mainstream economists produced an impressive amount of statistical data that certainly add to our understanding, but they fail addressing the negative impact of supply-side labor market reforms on innovation and productivity. I present theoretical arguments of how labor market deregulation can negatively influence innovation and productivity growth and I review empirical evidence. Creation-Date: 2017-12 File-URL: http://host.uniroma3.it/associazioni/astril/db/0ee43af9-049e-4801-8cac-c706bc6d9dfb.pdf File-Format: Application/pdf Number: 0027 Classification-JEL: J53, K31, O31 Keywords: Varieties of capitalism; structural reforms of lab or markets; innovation; productivity crisis Handle: RePEc:ast:wpaper:0027 Template-Type: ReDIF-Paper 1.0 Author-Name: Gaetano Perone Author-X-Name-First: Gaetano Author-X-Name-Last: Perone Title: Produttività del lavoro, dinamica salariale e squilibri commerciali nei Paesi dell’Eurozona: un’analisi empirica Abstract: L’obiettivo del paper è duplice. Da un lato proveremo a determinare se e in quale misura il trentennale processo di precarizzazione e di progressivo smantellamento dei diritti dei lavoratori nei Paesi dell’Eurozona abbia influito sul funzionamento del mercato del lavoro, e dall’altro cercheremo di verificare se i cambiamenti di paradigma istituzionale – modificando gli indirizzi di politica economica – abbiano o meno favorito un ri-orientamento virtuoso dei modelli produttivi nazionali. Per pervenire a tale scopo, divideremo l’elaborato in due sezioni: i) una prima parte di analisi qualitativa comparata degli indici istituzionali del mercato del lavoro e della dinamica salariale dei Paesi dell’Eurozona; ii) e una seconda parte di analisi empirica sul ruolo svolto dalle istituzioni del lavoro sulla dinamica occupazionale e produttiva, e sulla funzione svolta dal costo del lavoro nel riassorbimento degli squilibri commerciali dei Paesi “periferici” dell’area. L’indagine mostrerà come la riduzione trasversale delle tutele a favore del fattore lavoro non abbia generato alcun impatto certo ed univoco sui livelli occupazionali; al contrario, essa ha condotto a un incremento della quota dei lavoratori precari e – compatibilmente con l’approccio Kaldoriano-Classico – a una perniciosa spirale di riduzione dei salari, della domanda aggregata e della produttività, ponendo de facto seri limiti all’innovazione e alle ristrutturazioni tecnologiche. Infine, verificheremo come il riequilibrio dei conti con l’estero dei Paesi “periferici” sia stato mediato, più che da una ritrovata competitività sui mercati internazionali, proprio dalle politiche di dumping salariale e di distruzione della domanda interna. Creation-Date: 2017-12 File-URL: http://host.uniroma3.it/associazioni/astril/db/2b4b5782-df7e-439e-9b92-8095027d71b0.pdf File-Format: Application/pdf Number: 0028 Keywords: flessibilità del lavoro, salari, gap di produttività, vincolo estero tecnologico, Eurozona Handle: RePEc:ast:wpaper:0028 Template-Type: ReDIF-Paper 1.0 Author-Name: Francesco Macheda Author-X-Name-First: Francesco Author-X-Name-Last: Macheda Title: The illusion of patient capital: evidence from pension investment policy in the Netherlands Abstract: This paper takes issue with the popular idea that the involvement of labor unions within occupational pension funds would hinder short-term profit-maximizing strategies that instead characterizes private pension schemes in Anglo-Saxon countries. The aim is to contribute to demystifying this myth by looking at private pension institutions under the assumption that deregulated financial markets are not neutral and engender a network of power relationships which goes beyond direct market participants. The thesis of this paper is that the high profitability generated by speculative investments leads to a new political compromise between firms and organized labor, insofar as the buying and selling of easily liquidated assets by occupational pension funds guarantees high net-salary levels and generous pensions, without undermining the competitiveness of the firm – at least in the short run. On the other hand, however, it dramatically increases the intrinsic risk of a pension system that, in fact, depends on the state of health of global finance. Finally, we test our hypothesis by examining the investment strategies in the Netherlands, where occupational pension funds have been historically embedded within the structure of neo-corporative interest mediation. Creation-Date: 2018-01 File-URL: http://host.uniroma3.it/associazioni/astril/db/9068962b-1867-402d-adf7-21b0ca05661e.pdf File-Format: Application/pdf Number: 0029 Classification-JEL: J32, J51, G11 Keywords: Private Pensions, Labor unions, Power, Investment Decisions Handle: RePEc:ast:wpaper:0029 Template-Type: ReDIF-Paper 1.0 Author-Name: Adele Bianco Author-X-Name-First: Adele Author-X-Name-Last: Bianco Title: Active Labour Market Policies for Digital Economy: Skills Development and Workforce Preparation Abstract: Work is undergoing technological upgrading and innovation driven by digitization, the so called Fourth Industrial Revolution (Schwab 2016). The technological advancement makes possible to achieve higher levels of work and total factors productivity and to implement the Sustainable Development Goals (ILO 2016; Dodds et al. 2017). The issue is particularly sensitive, because of the coming impact of technological innovation on employment and the consequential intensified risks of social unrest (Frey, Osborne 2013). This is the reason why it is extremely relevant to equip people to stay ahead of technological change. To prepare the workforce for tomorrow, the attention has to be posed particularly on educational, training and re-skilling programs (Goldin, Katz, 2010). One problem is that — in Europe, but also elsewhere — this technological and organizational revolution is likely to be realized with an army of grey-haired workers (Kuhn, Ochsen 2009), but it must be taken into account that in a very near future workers of other age groups, adult and even young workers, will be the involved in some reskilling programs and in changing schooling processes. It is therefore appropriate to promote policies aimed at reskilling these workers and at making the young people fit for the coming digital economy. From this point of view, the permanent training will acquire an unprecedented role in the history of work. The paper is structured as follows. The first paragraph gives a short definition of the digitization process that has been taking place for some years and highlights the theoretical framework and technological areas involved in the digitization process. The second section is focused on the impact of the digital economy on the employment. The third paragraph is devoted to the skills requested by the digital economy and to measures that should be undertaken to enable the workers to stay on the labour market and to make more inclusive the workplaces. Evidences make clear that managers play a relevant role in supporting this kind of implementation process, particularly referred to the older workers, and in training and in introducing new forms of work organization (Sterns et al.1994; Maurer, Weiss, Barbeite 2003). Creation-Date: 2018-02 File-URL: http://host.uniroma3.it/associazioni/astril/pubblicazioni_files.aspx?id=57 File-Format: Application/pdf Number: 0030 Handle: RePEc:ast:wpaper:0030 Template-Type: ReDIF-Paper 1.0 Author-Name: Giovanni Dosi Author-X-Name-First: Giovanni Author-X-Name-Last: Dosi Author-Name: Marcelo C. Pereira Author-X-Name-First: Marcelo C. Author-X-Name-Last: Pereira Author-Name: Andrea Roventini Author-X-Name-First: Andrea Author-X-Name-Last: Roventini Author-Name: Maria Enrica Virgillito Author-X-Name-First: Maria Enrica Author-X-Name-Last: Virgillito Title: What If Supply-Side Policies Are Not Enough? The Perverse Interaction Of Flexibility And Austerity Abstract: In this work we develop a set of labour market and fiscal policy experiments upon the labour and credit augmented “Schumpeter meeting Keynes" agent-based model. The labour market is declined under two institutional variants, the “Fordist" and the “Competitive" setups meant to capture the historical transition from the Fordist toward the post “Thatcher-Reagan" period. Inside these two regimes, we study the different effects of supply-side active labour market policies (ALMPs) vs. demand-management passive labour market ones (PLMPs). In particular, we analyse the effects of ALMPs aimed at promoting job search, and at providing training to unemployed people. Next, we compare the effects of these policies with unemployment benefits simply meant to sustain income and therefore aggregate demand. Considering the burden of unemployment benefits in terms of public budget, we link such provision with the objectives of the European Stability and Growth Pact. Our results show that (i) an appropriate level of skills is not enough to sustain growth when workers face adverse labour demand; (ii) supply-side policies are not able to reverse the perverse interaction between exibility and austerity; (iii) PLMPs outperform ALMPs in reducing unemployment and workers' skills deterioration; and (iv) demand-management policies are better suited to mitigate inequality and to improve and sustain long-run growth. Creation-Date: 2018-02 File-URL: http://host.uniroma3.it/associazioni/astril/db/2ed37bd7-2fe8-49e9-81cb-8e9abab9abe4.pdf File-Format: Application/pdf Number: 0031 Classification-JEL: C63, E24, H53, J88 Keywords: Industrial-relation Regimes, Flexibility, Active Labour Market Policies, Austerity, Agent-based models Handle: RePEc:ast:wpaper:0031 Template-Type: ReDIF-Paper 1.0 Author-Name: Armanda Cetrulo Author-X-Name-First: Armanda Author-X-Name-Last: Cetrulo Author-Name: Dario Guarascio Author-X-Name-First: Dario Author-X-Name-Last: Guarascio Title: WEAKER JOBS, WEAKER INNOVATION. EXPLORING THE TEMPORARY EMPLOYMENT-PRODUCT INNOVATION NEXUS Abstract: In the last decades, labour flexibility has been introduced all across Europe with the aim of spurring jobs and productivity. This work explores the link between the use of temporary employment and the propensity to introduce product innovations by firms. The analysis performed at the sectoral level combines information on innovation, economic performance and employment for five major European economies observed over the period 1998-2012. Taking into account the variety of technological patterns, the authors find that industries using temporary employment more intensively are characterized by a weak product innovation propensity. The negative correlation between temporary employment and innovation is stronger in medium and high-tech sectors identified alternatively by Peneder classification and by the concentration of firms’ intangible assets proxing different Schumpeterian regimes of accumulation. Creation-Date: 2018-03 File-URL: http://host.uniroma3.it/associazioni/astril/pubblicazioni_files.aspx?id=59 File-Format: Application/pdf Number: 0032 Handle: RePEc:ast:wpaper:0032 Template-Type: ReDIF-Paper 1.0 Author-Name: Sebastiano Fadda Author-X-Name-First: Sebastiano Author-X-Name-Last: Fadda Author-Email: sebastiano.fadda@uniroma3.it Author-Workplace-Name: dpt. Economia Title: Structural Change, Employment and Institutions Abstract: The aim of the paper is not so much to describe the structural changes that have occurred (or that are occurring) during a certain period of time, but rather to detect the dynamic forces which drive the process of structural change and to detect the institutions that influence these forces and therefore the areas in which the State can play a role in governing the process. Creation-Date: 2018- File-URL: http://host.uniroma3.it/associazioni/astril/db/958e1207-c214-44f9-92ca-854d04d5517e.pdf File-Format: Application/pdf Number: 0033 Classification-JEL: E24, J24, O33 Handle: RePEc:ast:wpaper:0033 Template-Type: ReDIF-Paper 1.0 Author-Name: Zoltàn Pogàtsa Author-X-Name-First: Zoltàn Author-X-Name-Last: Pogàtsa Title: The Rehn-Meidner Model of Wage and Productivity Policy. A Sraffian Analysis Abstract: The mainstream neoclassical school treats labour as any other commodity, where demand and supply meet on a voluntary and equal basis. It also assumes that the best method for its allocation is open market coordination. The paper first outlines the epistemological faults in this model. It then continues to discuss the alternative model, as charted by two Swedish economists, Gösta Rehn and Rudolf Meidner. Creation-Date: 2018- File-URL: http://host.uniroma3.it/associazioni/astril/db/b8d01278-7534-478c-99db-5f8e8b22de10.pdf File-Format: Application/pdf Number: 0034 Handle: RePEc:ast:wpaper:0034 Template-Type: ReDIF-Paper 1.0 Author-Name: Enrico Sergio Levrero Author-X-Name-First: Enrico Sergio Author-X-Name-Last: Levrero Title: Sulle critiche e gli ostacoli alla proposta dello Stato come "Occupatore di ultima istanza" Abstract: Insieme alle proposte di Beveridge ([1945] 1948) per assicurare la piena occupazione, l’idea più famosa di ispirazione Keynesiana di lotta alla povertà è stata quella avanzata da Minsky (1965) dello Stato come occupatore di ultima istanza, poi ripresa da Burgess e Mitchell (1989), Forstater (1998 e 1999), Harvey (1989), Mitchell (1998), Tcherneva (2007) e Wray (1998a). Dopo aver brevemente esposto la proposta di Minsky (Sezione 2) ed avere calcolato le risorse finanziarie che potrebbero essere necessarie per una sua implementazione in Italia (Sezione 3), scopo di questo lavoro sarà di discutere gli ostacoli che tale proposta potrebbe incontrare e le possibili misure necessarie per superarli (Sezione 4). La conclusione che si trarrà (Sezione 5) è che una combinazione del sistema dell’“Employer of Last Resort” (ELR) con politiche di sostegno alla domanda aggregata nella forma di investimenti pubblici e specifiche spese correnti dello Stato potrebbe essere la misura migliore al fine di garantire la piena occupazione, posto che si abbia una cornice istituzionale favorevole al raggiungimento di tale obiettivo. Seguendo Kalecki (1943) si sottolineerà però che tale cornice istituzionale richiederebbe uno spostamento di potere a favore dei lavoratori che contrasta con quanto verificatosi nei principali paesi industrializzati dalla fine degli anni settanta del secolo scorso. Creation-Date: 2018-05 File-URL: http://host.uniroma3.it/associazioni/astril/db/cbefb07e-21cf-49aa-9950-e6c461e70cc9.pdf File-Format: Application/pdf Number: 0035 Handle: RePEc:ast:wpaper:0035 Template-Type: ReDIF-Paper 1.0 Author-Name: Silvia Ciucciovino Author-X-Name-First: Silvia Author-X-Name-Last: Ciucciovino Title: Le nuove questioni di regolazione del lavoro nell'industria 4.0 e nella Gig Economy: un "problem framework" per la riflessione Creation-Date: 2018- File-URL: http://host.uniroma3.it/associazioni/astril/db/43e8c8bd-c149-4005-8a52-5456f2adcb07.pdf File-Format: Application/pdf Number: 0036 Handle: RePEc:ast:wpaper:0036 Template-Type: ReDIF-Paper 1.0 Author-Name: Jesus Ferreiro Author-X-Name-First: Jesus Author-X-Name-Last: Ferreiro Author-Name: Carmen Gómez Author-X-Name-First: Carmen Author-X-Name-Last: Gómez Title: Employment Protection, Employment and Unemployment Rates in European Union Countries During the Great Recession Abstract: For mainstream economics, rigidities in the labour market are the primary determinants of high and persistent long-term unemployment rates, leading to the need to reform labour market institutions and make them more flexible. Flexible labour markets would not only help to smooth normal business cycle fluctuations (implying a small impact of these fluctuations on employment and unemployment) but also to reduce the negative impacts on labour market of structural shocks. If we focus on the labour market performances in the European Union during the Great Recession, we can easily detect the existence of significant differences in the impact of this common structural shock on the domestic labour markets. For mainstream economics, the countries with the best results in terms of unemployment and employment would have been those that had a more flexible labour market at the beginning of the crisis and/or those having implemented reforms to increase this flexibility. The aim of this paper is to determine the validity of this argument, that is, whether labour reforms making the labour market more flexible effectively ensure macroeconomic stability by reducing the impact on the labour market of economic shocks. Using panel data techniques, we investigate whether, as mainstream studies argue, the evolution of employment and unemployment in the EU labour markets is explained, and to what extent, by the levels and changes registered in the indicators of employment protection legislation. Conversely, we examine whether, as heterodox and post-Keynesian studies suggest, this evolution is explained by the changes registered in economic activity (i.e., GDP growth). Creation-Date: 2019-01 File-URL: http://host.uniroma3.it/associazioni/astril/db/36ea7448-2346-464d-a8fa-29cb3cd4c48d.pdf File-Format: Application/pdf Number: 0037 Classification-JEL: C23, E24, J21, J64, J88 Keywords: employment, unemployment, Great Recession, employment protecti on Handle: RePEc:ast:wpaper:0037 Template-Type: ReDIF-Paper 1.0 Author-Name: Francesco Macheda Author-X-Name-First: Francesco Author-X-Name-Last: Macheda Author-Name: Roberto Nadalini Author-X-Name-First: Roberto Author-X-Name-Last: Nadalini Title: The Danger of a “Geyser Disease” Effect: Structural Fragility of the Tourism-Led Recovery in Iceland Abstract: The fall of the Icelandic economy in 2008 highlighted the destructive effects of unbridled markets. Yet, the small Nordic country has experienced an impressive recovery, so much so that in recent years its annual growth rates have been significantly higher than those of the overwhelming majority of advanced capitalist countries. Several commentators have attributed this extraordinary accomplishment to the interventionist state policies adopted by successive Icelandic governments. The aim of this article is to debunk this myth by delving into the fragile foundations that the current Icelandic economic boom rests on. We argue that the substantial growth of the real exchange rate has made the rapid absorption of unemployment compatible with price stability during the recovery period. At the same time, the boom in tourism services made the impressive appreciation of the Icelandic króna compatible with the country’s external balance. However, the laissez-faire approach shown by the Icelandic authorities towards the krona appreciation hasseverely penalized most of the tradable sector, in which the bulk of skilled labor is usually concentrated. Arguably, the heavy specialization in the tourism sector, by restricting sources of productivity growth and international competitiveness, will render the current level of unemployment and real wages inconsistent with internal and external equilibrium in Iceland in the long run. Creation-Date: 2019-01 File-URL: http://host.uniroma3.it/associazioni/astril/db/71ad88b3-67ac-4ffd-8164-62a7ec0379a8.pdf File-Format: Application/pdf Number: 0038 Classification-JEL: E24, F31, J24, O33, B51 Keywords: Natural rate, Wage, Real exchange rate, Human Capital, Marxian Handle: RePEc:ast:wpaper:0038 Template-Type: ReDIF-Paper 1.0 Author-Name: Natalia Faraoni Author-X-Name-First: Natalia Author-X-Name-Last: Faraoni Author-Name: Tommaso Ferraresi Author-X-Name-First: Tommaso Author-X-Name-Last: Ferraresi Author-Name: Nicola Sciclone Author-X-Name-First: Nicola Author-X-Name-Last: Sciclone Title: Siamo pronti per la quarta rivoluzione industriale? Evidenze dal caso Italiano Abstract: SOMMARIO:1. Premessa – 2. Il lavoro nell’era 4.0: una riflessione sulla letteratura. - 3. Il lavoro di fronte alla sfida della quarta rivoluzione industriale: una proposta d’analisi. - 4. Per un vocabolario delle “competenze 4.0”. – 5. Prossime linee di ricerca. - Riferimenti bibliografici Creation-Date: 2019-02 File-URL: http://host.uniroma3.it/associazioni/astril/db/03f8f133-cb34-4b92-9c36-3bc4cf5023e8.pdf File-Format: Application/pdf Number: 0039 Handle: RePEc:ast:wpaper:0039 Template-Type: ReDIF-Paper 1.0 Author-Name: Pietro Checcucci Author-X-Name-First: Pietro Author-X-Name-Last: Checcucci Title: The Silver Innovation. Older workers characteristics and digitalisation of the economy Abstract: The current trends in the ageing of the work-force, which are only in part counterbalanced by immigration flows, risk to expose European enterprises to a widespread situation of skills shortage, together with the loss of a huge wealth of knowledge and experience, as a consequence of baby boomers retirement. In this context, the automation/digitalisation of production represents one of the main tools in the hands of advanced economies and organizations to react to the shrinking of the labour force, while boosting productivity and containing costs. The paper attempts to provide an initial framing of the problematic relationship which intervenes between digital innovation and employability of older workers. The discussion will offer a possible interpretation of on-going transformations and a provisional explanation of the current situation in Italy. The contribution will summarize the most important demographic transformations which affected the labour market during these years, in the light of the (potentially) disruptive spread of digital technologies. The topic of the digital evolution of jobs’ task content and its influence on training needs will be addressed. Reflections concerning the relationship between the adoption of technological innovation and the quality of human capital will be presented and some hypothesis concerning the recent evolution of employers’ attitudes towards older workers, about facing technological innovation, will be suggested. Creation-Date: 2019-02 File-URL: http://host.uniroma3.it/associazioni/astril/db/ea4be94c-2607-465d-bbd2-67fdc4c6e3b9.pdf File-Format: Application/pdf Number: 0040 Handle: RePEc:ast:wpaper:0040 Template-Type: ReDIF-Paper 1.0 Author-Name: Sergio Scicchitano Author-X-Name-First: Sergio Author-X-Name-Last: Scicchitano Author-Name: Marco Biagetti Author-X-Name-First: Marco Author-X-Name-Last: Biagetti Author-Name: Antonio Chirumbolo Author-X-Name-First: Antonio Author-X-Name-Last: Chirumbolo Title: More insecure and less paid? The effect of perceived job insecurity on wage distribution Abstract: This article employs a Counterfactual Decomposition Analysis (CDA) using both a semi-parametric and a non-parametric method to examine the pay gap, over the entire wage distribution, between secure and insecure workers on the basis of perceived job insecurity. Using the 2015 INAPP Survey on Quality of Work, our results exhibit a mirror J-shaped pattern in the pay gap, with a significant sticky floor effect, i.e. the job insecurity more relevant at the lowest quantiles. This pattern is mainly due to the characteristics effect, while the relative incidence of the coefficient component accounts roughly for 22 up to 36% of the total difference, being more relevant at the bottom of the wage distribution. Creation-Date: 2019-02 File-URL: http://host.uniroma3.it/associazioni/astril/db/89150a68-678f-4cf1-a4bf-5c09bd0cb755.pdf File-Format: Application/pdf Number: 0041 Classification-JEL: J31, J82, C14 Keywords: Job (in)security, Counterfactual distribution, Semi-parametric methodology, Non-parametric methodology, Wage gap, Blinder/Oaxaca, Quantile regression, Italy Handle: RePEc:ast:wpaper:0041 Template-Type: ReDIF-Paper 1.0 Author-Name: Fabrizio Antenucci Author-X-Name-First: Fabrizio Author-X-Name-Last: Antenucci Author-Name: Matteo Deleidi Author-X-Name-First: Matteo Author-X-Name-Last: Deleidi Author-Email: matteo.deleidi@uniroma3.it Author-Name: Walter Paternesi Meloni Author-X-Name-First: Walter Author-X-Name-Last: Paternesi Meloni Author-Email: walter.paternesi@uniroma3.it Title: Demand and Supply-side Drivers of Labour Productivity Growth: an empirical assessment for G7 countries Abstract: The recent slowdown in labour productivity growth experienced in advanced economies is generally considered one of the main causes of the current phase of economic stagnation. This has led scholars to carry out a number of theoretical and empirical studies to identify the long-run determinants of productivity growth. The present work aims to fall within this debate, with a peculiar focus on the relevance of the Kaldor-Verdoorn law. To this purpose, we empirically investigate on the determinants of labour productivity growth both for the total economy and for the manufacturing sector, comparing the role played by demand- and supply-side factors. A Structural Vector Autoregressive (SVAR) model is estimated for G7 countries from 1970 to 2017. Although the analyses confirm the positive role of supply-side factors in fostering productivity growth, our findings generally validate also the relevance of demand-side factors. Additionally, the positive effect generated by demand factors on labour productivity growth suggests that supply-side measures would be not sufficient to enhance productivity. Our findings suggest that demand-side policies are likely to foster productivity by also stimulating supply-side factors, particularly in the manufacturing sector of the economy. Creation-Date: 2019-02 File-URL: http://host.uniroma3.it/associazioni/astril/db/5518673e-ec86-4e23-be6d-daf058643ea9.pdf File-Format: Application/pdf Number: 0042 Classification-JEL: O47; D24; E22 Keywords: Labour Productivity; Kaldor-Verdoorn Law; Capital Deepening; SVAR Handle: RePEc:ast:wpaper:0042 Template-Type: ReDIF-Paper 1.0 Author-Name: Giorgio d'Agostino Author-X-Name-First: Giorgio Author-X-Name-Last: d'Agostino Author-Name: Michele Raitano Author-X-Name-First: Michele Author-X-Name-Last: Raitano Author-Name: Margherita Scarlato Author-X-Name-First: Margherita Author-X-Name-Last: Scarlato Title: Job mobility and heterogeneous returns to apprenticeship training in Italy Abstract: Apprenticeship may provide an important opportunity to improve human capital and future earnings of young people, especially those with low levels of education. Based on new administrative data, we provide the first empirical evidence of the effect on wages and employability of the mobility across firms and economic sectors of apprentices after graduation in Italy. We use an instrumental variable approach to account for endogenous selection that is based on observed and unobserved characteristics when estimating the causal effects of mobility. Our main finding is that job switchers outside the economic sector of the training firm faced a considerable gap in wages and weeks worked in comparison to stayers in the training firm, indicating a loss of firm-specific human capital. In addition, the new apprenticeship introduced by the Biagi reform, which lessened the stringency of the norms on the training content delivered by firms, resulted in further reductions of the transferability of skills for trainees relative to the previous regime. Overall, the apprenticeship contract in Italy generated earning gaps according to the workers’ mobility after graduation,thus increasing inequality among similar employees. Creation-Date: 2019-02 File-URL: http://host.uniroma3.it/associazioni/astril/db/5765d2ec-7a21-417b-a273-9f37269acdff.pdf File-Format: Application/pdf Number: 0043 Classification-JEL: J24, J62, J31, J38 Keywords: Apprenticeship training, Job mobility, Wages Handle: RePEc:ast:wpaper:0043 Template-Type: ReDIF-Paper 1.0 Author-Name: Leonello Tronti Author-X-Name-First: Leonello Author-X-Name-Last: Tronti Author-Name: Andrea Ricci Author-X-Name-First: Andrea Author-X-Name-Last: Ricci Title: Il mercato rende diseguali? Il ruolo della contrattazione e delle istituzioni del mercato del lavoro Creation-Date: 2019- File-URL: http://host.uniroma3.it/associazioni/astril/db/06faaacc-38ba-44d3-8c85-b6c0f49c7396.pdf File-Format: Application/pdf Number: 0044 Handle: RePEc:ast:wpaper:0044 Template-Type: ReDIF-Paper 1.0 Author-Name: Dario Calderara Author-X-Name-First: Dario Author-X-Name-Last: Calderara Title: Smart working as a form of regulating new labour relationships: the effects of technical progress Abstract: 1. Regulatory landscape. – 2. Legal framework. – 3. Typical elements. – 3.1 Workplace. – 3.2 Flexible work hours. – 4. Regulating smart working in the P.A. – 4.1. The role and content of directive no. 3/2017, following law no. 81/2017. – 5. The form, content and discipline of withdrawal. – 6. The equality principle in group treatment. – 7. Legal relationships, group bidding and individual deals. – 8. Common grounds and differences between smart working and teleworking. – 9. Conclusions. Creation-Date: 2019- File-URL: http://host.uniroma3.it/associazioni/astril/db/2b16d3da-2e49-41e6-992b-40a96343f537.pdf File-Format: Application/pdf Number: 0045 Handle: RePEc:ast:wpaper:0045 Template-Type: ReDIF-Paper 1.0 Author-Name: Giorgio d'Agostino Author-X-Name-First: Giorgio Author-X-Name-Last: d'Agostino Author-Name: Margherita Scarlato Author-X-Name-First: Margherita Author-X-Name-Last: Scarlato Title: Cash transfers, labor supply and gender inequality: Evidence from South Africa Abstract: This paper provides an empirical analysis of the impact of the Child Support Grant (CSG)implemented in South Africa on the labor supply of the parents of beneficiary children. Ouraim is to assess, by evaluating potential heterogeneity of the effects by gender, whether and towhat extent the program improved or lessened gender inequality in the labor market. We usedata from a national panel survey, the National Income Dynamics Study, and apply a fuzzyregression discontinuity design that exploits an expansion in eligibility due to a discontinuouschange in the age eligibility criterion. The results show that the CSG had a negative effecton the probability of parents of beneficiary children being employed and mixed effects onthe participation in the labor force, with substantial heterogeneity by gender and by otherindividual and household characteristics. Overall, the evaluation suggests that the programprovided support to the members of vulnerable household in coping with the constraints ofthe South African labor market, but it did not serve to reshape existing gender inequalities Creation-Date: 2019-05 File-URL: http://host.uniroma3.it/associazioni/astril/db/f60c6e43-1e82-48d0-add1-8b9a135a4c7b.pdf File-Format: Application/pdf Number: 0046 Handle: RePEc:ast:wpaper:0046 Template-Type: ReDIF-Paper 1.0 Author-Name: Paolo Piacentini Author-X-Name-First: Paolo Author-X-Name-Last: Piacentini Title: The interaction of ‘macro’ and ‘micro’ factors in employment activation: reflections for theory, as inspired by the recent italian experience. Creation-Date: 2019-05 File-URL: http://host.uniroma3.it/associazioni/astril/db/a285e95f-4ef2-4782-82ad-3a0c4062df15.pdf File-Format: Application/pdf Number: 0047 Classification-JEL: J2, J4 Keywords: Employment growth and composition, short jobs Handle: RePEc:ast:wpaper:0047 Template-Type: ReDIF-Paper 1.0 Author-Name: Philip Arestis Author-X-Name-First: Philip Author-X-Name-Last: Arestis Author-Name: Jesus Ferreiro Author-X-Name-First: Jesus Author-X-Name-Last: Ferreiro Author-Name: Carmen Gómez Author-X-Name-First: Carmen Author-X-Name-Last: Gómez Title: Quality of Employment and Employment Protection. Effects of Employment Protection on Temporary and Permanent Employment Abstract: For mainstream economics, rigidities in the labour market are a key determinant of the labour market results in terms of employment and unemployment. Thus, mainstream economics recommends full flexibility in the labour markets. Following these prescriptions, most European countries have introduced labour market reforms that have affected affect the conditions to hire and fire permanent workers and the constraints to the use of temporary employment contracts. However, the empirical evidence clearly shows that a conclusion about the impact of labour market reforms on total employment cannot be reached. Indeed, recent empirical evidence, argues that a higher flexibility in the employment protection has a negative impact on employment. This implies that a higher labour flexibility is associated with a higher labour segmentation, characterized by a rising share of temporary workers but not with a higher total employment Creation-Date: 2020-01 File-URL: http://host.uniroma3.it/associazioni/astril/db/67dd5f22-f33e-47aa-98d9-c1ec6d492882.pdf File-Format: Application/pdf Number: 0048 Classification-JEL: E24, J21, J41, J48, J68 Keywords: Employment protection legislation, employment, unemployment Handle: RePEc:ast:wpaper:0048 Template-Type: ReDIF-Paper 1.0 Author-Name: Guglielmo Forges Davanzati Author-X-Name-First: Guglielmo Author-X-Name-Last: Forges Davanzati Title: The Italian Economic Decline and the Proposal of the State as Innovator of First Resort Abstract: This paper deals with the Italian economic decline, proponing a massive State intervention for public investment aiming at promoting innovation. The recent history of the Italian economy shows that our firms have always tried to become more competitive in international markets by keeping wages low or by taking advantage of the devaluation of the lira. The direction of economic policy in Italy today seems to be a rehash of the old idea that “small is beautiful” – linked to the belief that small artisanal businesses are more efficient – combined essentially with the failure to position our firms in the high segments of the global value chain and thus promote innovation. Creation-Date: 2020-01 File-URL: http://host.uniroma3.it/associazioni/astril/db/13067a9d-5eed-4cce-bb78-be98135967cf.pdf File-Format: Application/pdf Number: 0049 Handle: RePEc:ast:wpaper:0049 Template-Type: ReDIF-Paper 1.0 Author-Name: Andrea Ricci Author-X-Name-First: Andrea Author-X-Name-Last: Ricci Title: Heterogeneous Effects of Temporary Employment on Productivity and Wages in the Italian Business Firms Abstract: What is the link between flexible employment, labour productivity and wages? Taking advantage of an original firm level database combining information from Rilevazione Imprese e Lavoro (RIL) conducted by INAPP on a representative sample of Italian firms with the AIDA archive, we explore the nexus between temporary employment, labour productivity and wages along the distributions of labour productivity and wages. By applying conditional quantile technique with additive fixed effects, we detect a strong negative relationship between the use of fixed-term contracts and both labour productivity and wages. The effect of temporary employment on firms’ labour productivity and wages is heterogeneous along the distributions. Low-productive firms - recurring more to temporary contracts - are also more affected by an incremental use of short-term work arrangements risking to be trapped in a vicious cycle of low-productivity and low-wages. Creation-Date: 2020-01 File-URL: http://host.uniroma3.it/associazioni/astril/pubblicazioni_files.aspx?id=80 File-Format: Application/pdf Number: 0050 Classification-JEL: J2, J24, J31, L25 Keywords: Labour productivity, Wages, Temporary employment, Firm-level analysis Handle: RePEc:ast:wpaper:0050 Template-Type: ReDIF-Paper 1.0 Author-Name: Matteo Deleidi Author-X-Name-First: Matteo Author-X-Name-Last: Deleidi Author-Email: matteo.deleidi@uniroma3.it Author-Name: Walter Paternesi Meloni Author-X-Name-First: Walter Author-X-Name-Last: Paternesi Meloni Author-Email: walter.paternesi@uniroma3.it Author-Name: Luigi Salvati Author-X-Name-First: Luigi Author-X-Name-Last: Salvati Author-Name: Francesca Tosi Author-X-Name-First: Francesca Author-X-Name-Last: Tosi Title: Exploring the Determinants of Productivity Growth in Italian Regions: a Kaldorian Perspective Abstract: The promotion of regional convergence is at the heart of the European cohesion policy,although how to stimulate it still is a debated question in the economic theory. Endorsing a Kaldorian perspective, we investigate the determinants of labour productivity in Italian regions by applying Panel Structural VAR modelling to 1981-2013 data. By esplicitly considering the endogeneity among the studied variables, we find that labour productivity is stimulated by output growth and capital accumulation. Our findings bear important implications in terms of policy advice, leading to the conclusion that considerable public investment is necessary to stimulate economic growth and productivity especially in economically depressed areas, like the Italian Mezzogiorno. Creation-Date: 2020-01 File-URL: http://host.uniroma3.it/associazioni/astril/pubblicazioni_files.aspx?id=81 File-Format: Application/pdf Number: 0051 Classification-JEL: C33, O18, O47, R11 Keywords: Labour productivity; Technical progress; Investment; Regional differentials; Panel SVAR Handle: RePEc:ast:wpaper:0051 Template-Type: ReDIF-Paper 1.0 Author-Name: Germana Bottone Author-X-Name-First: Germana Author-X-Name-Last: Bottone Title: The Effect of Globalisation on Labour Market Institutions in Europe. Abstract: This article aims at participating in the discussion about the effects of globalization on labour market institutions. Most surveys show that globalisation brings about a greater flexibility in the organization of labour, higher wage dispersion and social dumping. According to these surveys, globalisation has two basic outcomes. First of all, it sharpens the risk of layoff for the low-skilled workers, as labour market requires more qualified employees and product and process innovations, in order to face the world competition. Second, globalisation provokes a huge institutional change in the labour market. Namely, the increased capital mobility sparks off a re-allocation of resources, amplified by the trade integration, towards countries where Trade Unions are less powerful and taxation is lower. Actually, shareholders may decide where to invest and where to locate firms; therefore they have gained a strong bargaining power: policy makers may mitigate the threat of relocation or instead encourage labour market deregulation in order to avoid capital flight. Applying the approach known as “Grounded Theory” we analyse ad hoc data, in order to find out whether or not key changes in the labour market institutions have taken place. In addition, we aim at finding out which is the role of institutional context in shaping the reform of the labour market. Finally, some policy suggestions are provided Creation-Date: 2020-06 File-URL: http://host.uniroma3.it/associazioni/astril/db/9944948d-01f5-40cb-8ace-99027ebff0ba.pdf File-Format: Application/pdf Number: 0052 Handle: RePEc:ast:wpaper:0052 Template-Type: ReDIF-Paper 1.0 Author-Name: Cristina Lion Author-X-Name-First: Cristina Author-X-Name-Last: Lion Author-Name: Vanessa Lupo Author-X-Name-First: Vanessa Author-X-Name-Last: Lupo Author-Name: Katia Santomieri Author-X-Name-First: Katia Author-X-Name-Last: Santomieri Author-Name: Veronica Sciatta Author-X-Name-First: Veronica Author-X-Name-Last: Sciatta Title: Do high-quality traineeship help to find better jobs? Evidence from a survey on the participants in the youth guarantee program Abstract: Job quality is a key issue in the agenda of policy makers at the international and European level: a strong commitment towards decent work has strengthened and a particular attention to young generation has been devoted. Since 2014 the European Youth Guarantee Program has been strongly investing in active labor market policies, with the aim to combat youth unemployment and inactivity: noncurricular traineeship is one of the most widespread measure supported by the program and the issue of its quality has become more and more relevant. Against this background,the paper has analysed the relationship between the quality of traineeship that young people have experienced and the quality of their job: the hypothesis is that participating in a high quality traineeship entails a better transition towards decent jobs. We use data of a sample survey carried out in 2017 by ANPAL on 20,000 young people who have registered to the Youth Guarantee program. Preliminary results suggest that the quality of traineeship is important in promoting better job for young people. Creation-Date: 2020-07 File-URL: http://host.uniroma3.it/associazioni/astril/db/94f191a1-236b-4e8e-912b-8be3983d499d.pdf File-Format: Application/pdf Number: 0053 Classification-JEL: J24, C38 Keywords: quality of work, non-curricular traineeship, NEETS, Youth Guarantee Handle: RePEc:ast:wpaper:0053 Template-Type: ReDIF-Paper 1.0 Author-Name: Alessandro Chiozza Author-X-Name-First: Alessandro Author-X-Name-Last: Chiozza Author-Name: Luca Mattei Author-X-Name-First: Luca Author-X-Name-Last: Mattei Author-Name: Benedetta Torchia Author-X-Name-First: Benedetta Author-X-Name-Last: Torchia Title: Lavoro e identità: otto anni di storia professionale di giovani donne e giovani uomini Abstract: Il paper propone una lettura della storia lavorativa di giovani che nel 2011 avevano un’età compresa tra i 19 e i 24 anni. Si tratta di giovani uomini e giovani donne che nello stesso 2011 erano stati interessati dall’attivazione di un rapporto di lavoro alle dipendenze o parasubordinato e che nell’anno precedente non avevano lavorato. Le analisi sono realizzate mediante l’uso delle Comunicazioni obbligatorie e sulla base di una prospettiva longitudinale, per gli anni 2011-2018. La sequenza degli eventi lavorativi permette di raccontare la partecipazione al lavoro, con particolare attenzione alle variazioni e alle differenze tra giovani donne e uomini. Gli approfondimenti riguardano la tipologia del primo evento lavorativo osservato e le modalità di permanenza o meno nell’occupazione. Si tratta di questioni che si intrecciano con investimenti familiari e individuali, comportamenti adattivi, condizionamenti sociali e di contesto, strategie per affrontare la transizione all’età adulta. Creation-Date: 2020-07 File-URL: http://host.uniroma3.it/associazioni/astril/db/00ae0a49-62d3-4b7c-b865-23a9e77d700f.pdf File-Format: Application/pdf Number: 0054 Classification-JEL: J23 Keywords: Mercato del lavoro, Giovani, Differenze di genere, Domanda di lavoro Handle: RePEc:ast:wpaper:0054 Template-Type: ReDIF-Paper 1.0 Author-Name: Ricardo Summa Author-X-Name-First: Ricardo Author-X-Name-Last: Summa Author-Name: Julia Braga Author-X-Name-First: Julia Author-X-Name-Last: Braga Title: The (conflict-augmented) Phillips Curve is alive and well Abstract: Blanchard recently stated that the old Phillips curve - a relation between the level of inflation and the level of the unemployment rate - is alive and well. In this paper we will argue that there are two routes to this old Phillips curve. We will compare and contrast them. The mainstream route assumes demand-pull inflation and full incorporation of inflation expectations into money wage increases, leading to an accelerationist behavior of inflation. Followers of this approach propose amendments to avoid this accelerationist relation between demand shocks and inflation without discarding the two crucial assumptions, based on introducing imperfections and anchored expectations. After a critical evaluation of these amendments in the accelerationist curve, we will argue in favor of an alternative route to the old Phillips curve that rejects any neoclassical assumptions. This alternative approach assumes that there is no labour scarcity and that inflation depends on conflicting claims over income. Therefore, expectations are not necessarily always fully passed on to nominal wages. Our general conflict-augmented Phillips curve is different from the conflicting-claims Heterodox NAIRU models as it is compatible both with the old Phillips curve but also with accelerating inflation, depending on the bargaining power of the workers. Creation-Date: 2020-08 File-URL: http://host.uniroma3.it/associazioni/astril/db/36f53845-5faa-473f-b8d1-45fa44ad1809.pdf File-Format: Application/pdf Number: 0055 Classification-JEL: B51, E31, E13 Keywords: Phillips curve, distributive conflict, natural rate of unemployment Handle: RePEc:ast:wpaper:0055 Template-Type: ReDIF-Paper 1.0 Author-Name: Paolo Piacentini Author-X-Name-First: Paolo Author-X-Name-Last: Piacentini Title: IL DOPOGUERRA POST-PANDEMICO: I PROBLEMI DEL PROSSIMO FUTURO ED I MONITI DEL LONTANO PASSATO Abstract: : The prospects for the present-day ‘post-pandemic’ era are metaphorically confronted with the ‘post-war’ experience of one century ago, in the years after WWI. Labour and public debt aspects are considered; for the latter, the question is posed, whether the high post-pandemic debt may sometimes evoke the catastrophic experiences of the 1920’s. Creation-Date: 2021-10 File-URL: https://host.uniroma3.it/associazioni/astril/pubblicazioni_files.aspx?id=86 File-Format: Application/pdf Number: 0056 Classification-JEL: E02, E63 Keywords: pandemics,macroeconomy, employment, debt crisis Handle: RePEc:ast:wpaper:0056 Template-Type: ReDIF-Paper 1.0 Author-Name: Giuseppe Della Rocca Author-X-Name-First: Giuseppe Author-X-Name-Last: Della Rocca Author-Name: Sebastiano Fadda Author-X-Name-First: Sebastiano Author-X-Name-Last: Fadda Author-Email: sebastiano.fadda@uniroma3.it Author-Workplace-Name: dpt. Economia Author-Name: Maria Giovannone Author-X-Name-First: Maria Author-X-Name-Last: Giovannone Author-Name: Anna M. Ponzellini Author-X-Name-First: Anna M. Author-X-Name-Last: Ponzellini Title: THE CHALLENGES AND OPPORTUNITIES OF SMART WORKING Abstract: The pandemic has forced people and organizations to discover that it is possible to workn“remotely”. This paper collects various contributions that analyse the many aspects of “smartly organized” work, namely its legal implications, the problem of planning efficient timing in order to ensure full complementarity between remotely managed functions and functions managed in presence, the need to revise job contents and old standardized routines and, the repercussions on social relations and on a series of variables such as environment, transport, health, urban planning, land planning,location of structures for "leisure” and social life. Creation-Date: 2021-12 File-URL: http://host.uniroma3.it/associazioni/astril/pubblicazioni_files.aspx?id=87 File-Format: Application/pdf Number: 0057 Classification-JEL: J08, J5, J53, K31, L23 Keywords: Smart working, jobs contents, work organization, social relations Handle: RePEc:ast:wpaper:0057 Template-Type: ReDIF-Paper 1.0 Author-Name: Guglielmo Forges Davanzati Author-X-Name-First: Guglielmo Author-X-Name-Last: Forges Davanzati Title: GLI EFFETTI PERVERSI DELLA MODERAZIONE SALARIALE IN ITALIA E LA PROPOSTA DI STATO INNOVATORE DI PRIMA ISTANZA Abstract: The economic policies implemented in Italy in recent years, fully consistent with European Commission recommendations and with what has been achieved in other European countries, are essentially based on two axes: fiscal consolidation and structural reforms. Fiscal consolidation is achieved by cutting public spending and increasing the tax burden, with a reduction, in particular, in social spending and welfare services and with an increase in taxation - which is becoming less and less progressive - especially to the detriment of workers. The so-called structural reforms concern the processes of privatization and liberalization and, above all, further measures of labour precarization. The aim of this paper is (i) to account for the failure of these measures in relation to the declared objective of generating a recovery in economic growth and increasing the employment rate; (ii) to put forward the proposal for a greater public intervention aimed at making the State an employer and innovator of first resort. Creation-Date: 2022-03 File-URL: http://host.uniroma3.it/associazioni/astril/db/d98c8ef6-e647-4c2a-bbb1-2c8a2b84bd43.pdf File-Format: Application/pdf Number: 0058 Classification-JEL: E12, E24, F00 Keywords: wages, employment, public spending Handle: RePEc:ast:wpaper:0058 Template-Type: ReDIF-Paper 1.0 Author-Name: Maria Giovannone Author-X-Name-First: Maria Author-X-Name-Last: Giovannone Title: L’eredità della pandemia: i cambiamenti strutturali in materia di lavoro e welfare Abstract: The legislative tools aimed at dealing with the health, social and economic effects of the Covid-19 pandemic had a transversal impact on the labour system. Starting from this consideration, the paper reviews the reforms that, more than others, have been prompted by the pandemic scenario, starting from the use of agile work in the atypical prevention logic up to the regulatory ferment in the field of health and safety at work. Secondly, the repercussions generated on employment have imposed a pervasive intervention on the vocational training and unemployment protection schemes, also with a view to devising – finally – an effective link between active and passive labour policies. Starting from the need to recalibrate the economic and social sustainability of public welfare, put to the test during the pandemic, the paper finally offers some reflections on the opportunity to rethink labour and social security protection techniques on the path of universalism that meets the new needs of worker protection (poor, discontinuous and atypical). Creation-Date: 2022-11 File-URL: http://host.uniroma3.it/associazioni/astril/db/75d997d5-9ce1-42eb-a9a4-59a5f21cd3fd.pdf File-Format: Application/pdf Number: 0059 Classification-JEL: J5, K31, K32 Keywords: Covid-19 pandemic; agile work; occupational health and safety; active labour policies; passive labour policies Handle: RePEc:ast:wpaper:0059 Template-Type: ReDIF-Paper 1.0 Author-Name: Riccardo Pariboni Author-X-Name-First: Riccardo Author-X-Name-Last: Pariboni Author-Email: riccardo.pariboni@unisi.it Author-Name: Walter Paternesi Meloni Author-X-Name-First: Walter Author-X-Name-Last: Paternesi Meloni Author-Email: walter.paternesi@uniroma3.it Title: Salari, distribuzione e costo del lavoro: un'analisi aggregata, settoriale e di genere del caso italiano nel contesto europeo Abstract: This paper is aimed at offering some descriptive evidence on the trend in wages, the labour share and the labour cost in Italy for the period 1970-2020. Starting from national accounts data (provided by ISTAT), we examine the evolution of the average wage, labour productivity, the wage share and unit labour cost at the sectoral level. Moreover, by referring to AMECO and OCSE data, we compare Italy’s data on average wage and the gender pay gap with different European countries. Creation-Date: 2022-11 File-URL: http://host.uniroma3.it/associazioni/astril/db/e065a958-7004-4df0-bec5-16b876af89c3.pdf File-Format: Application/pdf Number: 0060 Classification-JEL: J30; D31; O15; J16 Keywords: Distribuzione; reddito; costo del lavoro; prezzi; differenziali salariali Handle: RePEc:ast:wpaper:0060 Template-Type: ReDIF-Paper 1.0 Author-Name: Leonello Tronti Author-X-Name-First: Leonello Author-X-Name-Last: Tronti Title: Full employment reloaded. Welfare state and full employment between Constitution and Economics Abstract: The paper summarizes the evolution of the welfare state concept and its link to economic growth and full employment, along a complex itinerary running for more than a century, from the work of Adolf Wagner (1878) to James Meade’s proposals (1989, 1995). The overview focuses on the theoretical links of the first experiments of the welfare state with the foundation of welfare economics (Pigou, 1920), the establishment of the concept of human capital (Knight, 1944; Schultz, 1961) and the systematization of the welfare state design offered by Beveridge (1942). In the same years, the full employment goal is affirmed as achievable (Keynes, 1936; Beveridge, 1944; Roosevelt, 1945), meanwhile the Italian Constitution (1948) proposes a major advance, affirming full employment as a substantive freedom. With the end of Bretton Woods (1971) and the oil shocks (1973, 1979) stagflation spreads to developed economies, and both the welfare state and full employment face a setback. Wagner’s law finds a more evolved expression in the Laffer curve (1974), while monetary policy becomes restrictive and full employment has to give way to the Nairu (Modigliani and Papademos, 1975; Tobin, 1980). This is the climate in which Meade proposes a new and vital link between the welfare state and full employment: a proposal in which worker shares combine with topsy-turvy nationalization, and public credit with the social dividend. A proposal out of the box, but worth reflecting on in depth Creation-Date: 2023- File-URL: https://host.uniroma3.it/associazioni/astril/db/ff0266e2-07a4-48a3-a641-cac952343200.pdf File-Format: Application/pdf Number: 0061 Classification-JEL: P16, E24, E64, H53, I31, J53, M52 Keywords: Welfare state; Wagner law; full employment; welfare economics; human capital; substantial freedom; capabilities; stagflation; fiscal crisis; Nairu; Laffer curve; social dividend Handle: RePEc:ast:wpaper:0061 Template-Type: ReDIF-Paper 1.0 Author-Name: Paolo Piacentini Author-X-Name-First: Paolo Author-X-Name-Last: Piacentini Title: Labour and product market dynamics: macro, structural, micro factors and the varying employment/output elasticity Abstract: “Employment and unemployment are determined in the product market, not the labour market”. Thirlwall (1993) put this statement at the first place in a list of six fundamental propositions of Keynesian Economics. This view remains central in a Keynesian approach in the macroeconomic assessment of employment activation, and marks the distance from ‘mainstream’ Labour Economics, engaging in partial analyses of the labour market, modelling for solutions of a stronger or weaker notion for some ‘equilibrium.’ However, while keeping firm the Keynesian direction of causality, a stylized fact evidenced for the Italian case, of a wide instability of employment/output elasticity, suggests us further investigation, for the employment outcomes in the medium run and over cyclical episodes. That’s to say, the quantitative result for additions (reductions) of labour use, given a percentage rise (contraction) of ‘GDP’ , widely differ amongst the countries, or within the same country in diverse epoch or cyclical episode. When employment is simply measured in terms of unadjusted numbers, this is mainly to be ascribed to the possibility of a ‘fractal’ partition of a total labour, into diverse segments for intensity and continuity of use, given the increasing resort to part-time, discontinuous, and short-term contracts for labour engagements. However, even after accounting for the variability of working time , and measuring employment in standardized units, elasticity differentials still appear and more ‘employment friendly’ patterns of growth show their reverse side, a lesser capability of enhancing productivity growth. Differentials in the employment content of output need then to be further explained. Structural composition of the economy and its dynamics, accounting for the composition effects within total employment outcomes, is introduced. After the ‘structural’ factors, it remains eventually to be questioned whether we should admit a residual influence of the institutional arrangements in the exchange of labour , in influencing ‘labour intensity of growth.’ The paper is finalized to first stage discussion addressing to the fundamental question, upon ‘why the employment intensity of growth varies over time and space” Creation-Date: 2023- File-URL: https://host.uniroma3.it/associazioni/astril/db/0f26bb9d-dee8-4de7-a62e-7c9512c57708.pdf File-Format: Application/pdf Number: 0062 Classification-JEL: J23, J63 Keywords: Demand for labour, Variable employment, output elasticities Handle: RePEc:ast:wpaper:0062